Thursday, October 29, 2015

Life Happens...

Once again its been awhile since I've been here...

Some of you know I'm dealing with some health issues. About a month ago things got much worse. Treatment needed to become aggressive and I needed time to process it all. I've been reading some but in a way I feel numb. Sometimes just the basic tasks of making it through the day are exhausting. Add two little ones to the mix and it becomes all consuming. 

As time goes on I'm adjusting to this new life. Trying to accept that it is what it is despite all my life plans. You wouldn't understand unless you've been there I guess. At least I wouldn't have. But its as if I'm grieving the person I used to be. 

I am very blessed and grateful that the condition isn't typically fatal but even so I can't help asking why me....

As I try to normalize life as much as possible, I find myself back here. In this group of like minded people wanting to write again, although I will not be making any more promises or predictions of when I will be here.

Due to sickness DD is in the shadows for now. None of this is easy for Jordan either but he has been there for me in whatever way I need him to be and I love him for that. 

To bring a little excitement back into our lives Jordan broke out his belt last week. I've always been afraid to try it. Always thought it would hurt too much but he reassured me that we would be playing for pleasure.. not pain. I must admit that I was amazed at the pleasure a belt can bring. It has brought us both pleasure and stress relief along with that closeness that only TTWD brings. I think is belt may just be one of my new favorites :)

We are looking forward to a fun filled Halloween weekend. I wish you all a happy and safe Spank I mean Trick or Treat:)-

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Savannah Unplugged

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Happy hump day everyone :)-

I missed the dead line for WIP it Wednesday:/ But I promised a post about my new short storyso true to my word.. here is the blurb:)

Savannah Unplugged
         This couldn’t be happening. My bag was almost completely packed. I was almost ready to walk out the door and then … my phone chirped. I picked it up, a text from Hilton,

 “whatcha up to?”  

No big deal, right, except the fact that I was supposedly on restriction for an incident that happened last weekend with my keys. I sort of left them in the front door. Yeah! Not good:/ Just my luck Hilton found them and flew off the handle.

Safety was one of his biggest rules and I had risked my entire families safety by leaving the house essentially open to intruders, plus the keys to our vehicles out in the open.

It wasn’t the first time I had made such a silly mistake either, so in addition to a pretty intense spanking he grounded me for the first time ever. No phone, no TV, no electronics and no leaving the house unless it was first approved by him for an entire week!

              Today I was leaving to meet and spend the night with my friend Dakota. She was in from out of town for just a few days and we had been planning this get together for a long time. Hilton never said I couldn’t go anymore and I didn’t ask him because I didn’t want to risk him saying no. So, my plan was to just sneak out of the house while he was still at work and deal with the consequences the next day when I got home.

That was my plan, but now he wanted to know what I was doing. I knew the consequences of lying to him but I really wanted to go.

I typed “packing” and hit send.

           Want to know the outcome of Savannah’s lapse in better judgement, watch out for “Savannah Unplugged” coming soon! 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday Spankings: Pastor James Speaks

Hello Everyone :)

Its been awhile and I'm glad to be back. The kids are back in school, fall is in the air and it is a great time to lay back, relax and read a book :) If you haven't read Savannah's Surrender yet there is no time like the present. If you know anyone considering DD or who enjoys reading about it, it would be a great book to share too.

I just finished reading PK Corey's Cassie box set and I loved reading about Cassie's adventures. She sure does know how to get herself in all kinds of trouble! You can get it here: Cassie Box Set :)

Right now I'm read Caia Fox's book Back Where We Belong. She wrote it along with Alana Hart. Is it is currently available for $.99 or for free on kindle unlimited! It is a full length book and that's a steal. Get your copy here: Back Where We Belong :)

I've been writing again too and I'm almost done with a short story about one of Savannah's lapses in judgement :)- Come back Wednesday to learn more about that on WIP it Wednesday! 

Today I'm going to share an excerpt from Savannah's Surrender.  Hilton and Savannah are meeting with Pastor James and his wife, Mrs. Marilyn, for the first time. 

They have both told their sides of the reasons behind their marital discord and now the pastor is going to give him his opinion of the problem.

“You know, Hilton, there is one underlying issue I can see in both of your stories. The problems you and Savannah are experiencing are very common ones these days,” Pastor James announced. “I’ve seen these very same problems cause many marriages to fall apart over the years. There is really no gentle way to say this, so here goes. Hilton, you do not have control of your wife or your household. You are not running a Godly home. There are very specific roles for husbands and wives in the bible. God has charged husbands to be the head of their households since the beginning of time. The simple solution to your troubled marriage is for you, Hilton, to become the leader God has called you to be. You are both trying to be in charge and that is causing conflict. A power struggle per se."  

What's the power balance in your home? 
Are you happy with it? 

Want to learn more about Hilton and Savannah? Get your copy of Savannah's Surrender here:

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Savannah's Surrender is based on a true story. It tells a tale of a married couple, Hilton and Savannah Fields, who are enduring some marital discord.

Hilton walked out on Savannah over six months ago. After numerous attempts to resolve their issues on their own with little progress Hilton decided it was time to call it quits. He was convinced that Savannah was just too stubborn and she was never going to be willing to compromise on anything. It wasn’t what he wanted but he had tried everything to fix things, finally reaching his breaking point he told Savannah he was filing for a divorce.

Savannah was devastated. She wanted her husband back but she wasn't going to let him tell her how or what to do. She talks Hilton into trying Christian marriage counseling as a final attempt to save their crumbling marriage. Savannah’s confident that the pastor will show Hilton the error of his ways.

Hilton and Savannah are both shocked when Pastor James suggests that they adopt a Domestic Discipline lifestyle. He instructs Hilton to become the head of his household and recommends that he starts spanking Savannah’s bottom if she disobeys him or becomes disrespectful. Pastor James ensures the couple that Hilton taking charge of their marriage will quickly put an end to their discord.

Will Hilton spank Savannah? Can Domestic Discipline save their failing marriage?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I'm Back...

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Summer has come to an end and both of my little ones are back in school. I've spent too many days wallowing in my sorrows missing them. Especially my little one who is gone full day for the first time. The transition has been hard on both of us:/ 

                                          Image result for school bus sad kid
(picture obtained from google images, not my child)

So, it is time to get busy and back to blogging and writing:) I did some reading over the summer but didn't stay on top of all my fellow bloggers so I have lots of catching up to do!

As far as DD goes, it is still there... lingering in the shadows. Jordan is quick to rein me in when I begin to spiral and if his warnings don't deter me he isn't shy about spanking but our intimate life is fairly vanilla at the moment. Hopefully returning to blogging reading and writing about this thing we do will get me back in that naughty girl frame of mind:)-

Anyways it is good to be back and I hope to see you all this weekend for my Saturday Spankings post. I will be back promoting Savannah's Surrender. 

Cheers to a good week for everyone!

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday Spankings: Savannah's belt spanking!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Thanks for stopping by on this busy holiday weekend. 
Today I am going to share another excerpt from Savannah's Surrender.

You can get your copy at the following retailors:

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Savannah's Surrender is based on a true story. It tells a tale of a married couple, Hilton and Savannah Fields, who are enduring some marital discord.

Hilton walked out on Savannah over six months ago. After numerous attempts to resolve their issues on their own with little progress Hilton decided it was time to call it quits. He was convinced that Savannah was just too stubborn and she was never going to be willing to compromise on anything. It wasn’t what he wanted but he had tried everything to fix things, finally reaching his breaking point he told Savannah he was filing for a divorce.

Savannah was devastated. She wanted her husband back but she wasn't going to let him tell her how or what to do. She talks Hilton into trying Christian marriage counseling as a final attempt to save their crumbling marriage. Savannah’s confident that the pastor will show Hilton the error of his ways.

Hilton and Savannah are both shocked when Pastor James suggests that they adopt a Domestic Discipline lifestyle. He instructs Hilton to become the head of his household and recommends that he starts spanking Savannah’s bottom if she disobeys him or becomes disrespectful. Pastor James ensures the couple that Hilton taking charge of their marriage will quickly put an end to their discord.

Will Hilton spank Savannah? Can Domestic Discipline save their failing marriage?

Last week I featured Hilton's view of Savannah's spanking. This week I'm going to share an excerpt of Savannah's point of few of the same spanking. Enjoy:)~

Instead of pain I felt Hilton’s hand rest softly on my hot bottom and the cool leather of the belt resting against my nether lips. I relaxed when I felt the light stings of the belt gently slapping against my seeping pussy. He tapped the leather gently all over my lips while occasionally tapping the belt against my bottom hole. I never imagined a belt could bring such incredible pleasure. I liked the feeling of the stings against my privates and I raised my bottom giving him better access. “Umm, good girl, I’m glad you like that,” he praised me. I liked him calling me a good girl. I thought it was sexy. I wanted to please him and it made me feel good when he praised me.

Make Sure You continue hopping and visit all the awesome spanking authors:)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Spankings: Hilton spanks Savannah

Thank you for stopping by. I'm going to apologize in advance, now that summer is here and both kiddos are home 24-7 I have very little time for writing and blogging.  So, sorry for the lack of comments and posts. They are only little once so I want to make the best of these days and get back to writing blogging in the fall when they are both at school ALL day:/ My babies are growing up too fast!

Today I am going to share an excerpt from my new release "Savannah's Surrender."
You can also get your copy now here:

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Savannah's Surrender is based on a true story. It tells a tale of a married couple, Hilton and Savannah Fields, who are enduring some marital discord.

Hilton walked out on Savannah over six months ago. After numerous attempts to resolve their issues on their own with little progress Hilton decided it was time to call it quits. He was convinced that Savannah was just too stubborn and she was never going to be willing to compromise on anything. It wasn’t what he wanted but he had tried everything to fix things, finally reaching his breaking point he told Savannah he was filing for a divorce.

Savannah was devastated. She wanted her husband back but she wasn't going to let him tell her how or what to do. She talks Hilton into trying Christian marriage counseling as a final attempt to save their crumbling marriage. Savannah’s confident that the pastor will show Hilton the error of his ways.

Hilton and Savannah are both shocked when Pastor James suggests that they adopt a Domestic Discipline lifestyle. He instructs Hilton to become the head of his household and recommends that he starts spanking Savannah’s bottom if she disobeys him or becomes disrespectful. Pastor James ensures the couple that Hilton taking charge of their marriage will quickly put an end to their discord.

Will Hilton spank Savannah? Can Domestic Discipline save their failing marriage?

This week I decided to choose another scene from Hilton's point of view. He is in the mist of spanking Savannah over pillows on their bed.
Done with the belt I roughly squeezed and caressed Savannah’s striped globes. I allowed my fingers to brush over her private parts again. She moaned loudly and her entire body shuddered. Apparently she was enjoying this, her pussy was dripping wet. I was pleasantly surprised. I continued rubbing her bottom giving her a break from the spanking. I was so turned on I needed to touch her sexually. I could not fight the urge. I poured some cool lube down her butt crack and fingered her pussy in and out repeatedly. It felt so good to be inside her. She was so tight. Apparently she had been a good girl while I was gone.
Nice of Hilton to mix some pleasure with the pain:)~
Make sure you stop by and visit all the other Saturday Spankings!
Leave a comment too, let them know you were there:)


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday Spankings: Hilton visits Savannah

Thank you for stopping by. Today I am going to share an excerpt from my new release "Savannah's Surrender."


Check out the Baronet Press Sale on All Romance eBooks today. First day of summer sale! All Baronet Press Books, including Savannah's Surrender are available for 25% off! 

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You can also get your copy now here:

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Savannah's Surrender is based on a true story. It tells a tale of a married couple, Hilton and Savannah Fields, who are enduring some marital discord.

Hilton walked out on Savannah over six months ago. After numerous attempts to resolve their issues on their own with little progress Hilton decided it was time to call it quits. He was convinced that Savannah was just too stubborn and she was never going to be willing to compromise on anything. It wasn’t what he wanted but he had tried everything to fix things, finally reaching his breaking point he told Savannah he was filing for a divorce.

Savannah was devastated. She wanted her husband back but she wasn't going to let him tell her how or what to do. She talks Hilton into trying Christian marriage counseling as a final attempt to save their crumbling marriage. Savannah’s confident that the pastor will show Hilton the error of his ways.

Hilton and Savannah are both shocked when Pastor James suggests that they adopt a Domestic Discipline lifestyle. He instructs Hilton to become the head of his household and recommends that he starts spanking Savannah’s bottom if she disobeys him or becomes disrespectful. Pastor James ensures the couple that Hilton taking charge of their marriage will quickly put an end to their discord.

Will Hilton spank Savannah? Can Domestic Discipline save their failing marriage?

This week I decided to choose a scene from Hilton's point of view. He is visiting Savannah for dinner to talk about their reconciliation plan. 

I got out of my truck and walked eagerly towards the door. I started to turn the knob and walk right in but I remembered this wasn’t my “home” anymore. So I stood on my own porch and knocked on the door. A lump quickly formed in my throat and tears sprang into my eyes. The finality of things suddenly hit me. I realized the gravity of the situation. This was no longer my home anymore.

I had come “home” numerous times since the separation but this was a first for me, a first that I wanted to be a last. Usually the kids came running out to greet me when I came home. I would pick them up hug them and follow them inside. Tonight the kids were with their grandparents. Savannah was home alone. She wasn’t waiting for me at the door. She didn’t come out to greet me.

Although this isn't a sexy scene or a spanking I think it shows the gravity of the situation Hilton and Savannah have found themselves in. I've been there... have you?

To all the Dads out there:

Make sure you visit all the other wonderful spanking authors :)~